On April 4th, 2014, The Inui Street, inside the Imperial Palace was opened to public, commemorating His Majesty’s eightieth year. 385,060 people visited there and I was one of them.
The Imperial Palace is located in the center of Tokyo. From the standpoint of feng shui, geomancy, the energy of the ground is very strong. Once you enter inside the Palace through the gate, you can feel as if the air change. Filled with refreshing air and a forest of large trees, it is hard to believe you are actually in the heart of Tokyo. The Imperial Palace is where the Edo Castle was in the past. In the center of the Palace is there a pond called Dokan bori, named after Ota Dokan, who founded the Edo Castle. Sakura, cherry blossoms, add some nice color and beauty around the pond. In the Palace, the Emperor prays for happiness of all Japanese people. 2014年4月4日、天皇陛下の傘寿を記念し 皇居は、東京の中心にあって、 皇居は、もともと江戸城があった場所です。 この皇居で、天皇陛下は、私たち日本人一人一人の幸せを、 |